General Award

The closing date for applications is 19/09/2024 23:59 AEST. Late applications will not be accepted.

Please contact your local branch or executive with any questions through the contact form.

Accessibility Disclaimer:

We are committed to ensuring that our forms are accessible to all users. If you encounter any accessibility issues and would like this application in another format or have suggestions for improvement, please contact us through the form.

Thank you!

A quick summary of the questions if you would like to prepare your application offline first:
– How many meetings (online and in person) for your local branch and the whole society have you attended in the last year?
– Outline your contributions to your local branch. These contributions must be able to be verified by your local branch
– Have you previously received an award from the ANZFSS? If yes, provide details
– Presentation Title
– Authors
– Abstract
– Please comment on the originality/novelty/importance of the topic(s)
– Background to the topic(s) for example is it apart of under/post graduate study, a workplace project or a case study