WA Webinar: Chemical Analysis of Works of Art

After a brief hiatus, the WA Branch are pleased to invite you to our next webinar! Our speaker is Dr Michelle Carlin, who will be presenting on “Chemical Analysis of Works of Art: Interesting Cases”. This webinar will be held […]

WA Webinar: Experimental Approaches to Human Decomposition

The WA Branch invites you to join us for our final webinar of the year! Our speaker is Dr Agathe Ribéreau-Gayon, a postdoctoral fellow at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, who will discuss her research on surface taphonomy in […]

WA Campfire Forensics

After two years being predominantly online, we're delighted to introduce a new in-person event: Campfire Forensics! Come along to enjoy some nibbles & drinks while learning or sharing your thoughts on various forensic topics, such as: What career challenges exist […]

WA Branch AGM + Sundowner

The WA Branch Committee invites all local members to our AGM + Sundowner event, to be held at Manning Memorial Bowling Club on Thursday 17th November 2022. The AGM will start at 6 pm, with the rest of the evening […]

Forensic Science Against Gender-Based Violence

Violence against women and girls is a serious issue across Australia. For this reason, the ANZFSS (WA Branch) is pleased to be partnering with WA Museum Boola Bardip (WAM) to support the "16 Days in WA" 2022 campaign against gender-based […]

WA Seminar: Fire & Explosions Investigation

Exhibition Space, Curtin University Building 500 Level 1, Building 500, Curtin University, Kent St, Western Australia, Australia

In a welcome return to face-to-face events, the WA Branch invites you to join us for our first education evening of 2023! This seminar will be hosted in the Building 500 Exhibition Space at Curtin University. Enjoy mingling over food […]

ANZFSS WA Event: Humanitarian Forensics: Application Examples of an Evolving Discipline

Exhibition Space, Curtin University Building 500 Level 1, Building 500, Curtin University, Kent St, Western Australia, Australia

The field of Humanitarian Forensic Action (HFA) has seen continuing evolution since the early 1980s, and now includes a range of activities framed by International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law that aim to alleviate human suffering and protect the […]

WA AGM and Aquatic Forensics Guest Speaker

Boola Katitjin, Murdoch University Room 360.4.003 90 South St, Murdoch WA 6150, Murdoch, WA, Australia

This year's WA Branch AGM will be held on Friday 1st December at Murdoch University's new Boola Katitjin venue, room 360.4.003 (https://maps.murdoch.edu.au/?sharepoi=136044.003). The event will commence from 5:30pm with networking and light catering, the AGM commences from 6:00 pm. Relevant documentation […]

WA Branch Seminar: Operation Trink

Exhibition Space, Curtin University Building 500 Level 1, Building 500, Curtin University, Kent St, Western Australia, Australia

Anecdotal evidence suggests that drink spiking incidents have been increasing in recent years. Determining the actual prevalence of these crimes is challenging, with limited opportunities to obtain information as victims do not have easy access to forensic testing. The WA […]

Western Australian Forensic Science Forum 2024

The RISE Function Centre 28 Eighth Avenue, Maylands, Western Australia, Australia

The ANZFSS (WA Branch) is excited to announce the return of the Forensic Science Forum for 2024! This one-day symposium will showcase local student and practitioner work across all areas of forensic science. The program will include invited speakers (with […]